Saturday, August 05, 2006

Bad, Floyd, Bad

Dear Floyd Landis:
As you know, I was most supportive of your quest to win th Tour de France, lauded your bravery in the face of dsiability, and even praised your humble first name as a symbol of solid American values.

Now I find you're a juicer. You pumped your skinny butt full of testosterone to win the race and disappointed tens of thousands of people who supported you. We now see you as a fake, a liar and a scam artist. All the while we followed you and the race you were lying to us. And for nothing more than to boost your ego and put some bucks in your pocket.

Floyd, I hope you end up selling used buggies to the nice Mennonite people with whom you grew up in Farmersville. Not that you'll be very successful. After all, why should they trust anything you say?

The next time you get on a bike, please remove the seat first.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sports events no longer end when the finish line is crossed, but weeks or months later, when the last drug tests are in and the final legal appeals have been settled.

In all the attention on the cheat, there is the other fellow, the guy who seems to have actually won but was denied the honor of podium and the accolades on end-of-race day. Said Oscar Pereiro, the first Spaniard to win since the 1960s: "I would have liked to have lived that day, it would have been the best day of my life, as a sportsman."